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Glasgow South

Complete Denture Service

Partial Dentures

When designing any type of removable partial denture we begin with assessing the foundation and support, then work upward. Identify the structures available for support, and the forces that will be encountered to challenge that support, careful planning helps to deliver a final removable partial denture that will:

  • Maintain, stimulate and support the remaining teeth in their proper positions. This helps prevent further displacement or collapse of the oral architecture.
  • Aid mastication
  • Restore aesthetics
  • Stabilize and support the TMJ function

Acrylic Dentures

Our acrylic partial denture range is available for patients looking to fill the gaps of one or more missing teeth. This can help you restore the loss of facial support due to missing teeth and also prevent the remaining teeth from drifting in your mouth.

Flexible Dentures

With the introduction of Valplast, nobody has to know that you are missing teeth. For more than five decades Valplast® flexible partials have been the preferred choice of patients looking for a method of tooth replacement that is aesthetic, comfortable and affordable. Valplast® partials cost less than dental implants and dental bridges and they require no surgery or invasive procedures. Compared to traditional metal partial dentures, Valplast® offers better aesthetics, comfort and durability. In fact, Valplast® partials are made from an unbreakable nylon resin and each Valplast® restoration comes with a lifetime guarantee against breakage and fracture.

Chrome Dentures

Our chrome cobalt partial dentures are a more superior option. They are designed to last longer due to the toughness, rigidity and accuracy of the material. In most cases the amount of the surface coverage can be significantly reduced in comparison to an acrylic denture. Chrome dentures are also a healthier option for the remaining surrounding teeth due to the chrome being designed in such a way in that they can support the remaining teeth and also be designed away from the margins of where the teeth meet the gums making it a lot easier for patients to clean and maintain a healthy mouth.

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