Aftercare » Adjusting to your New Dentures
Once your new dentures have been fitted and the following checked:
- Appearance
- Lip/facial support
- Comfort
- Bite/occlusion
- Fit
- Stability
- Extension of acrylic borders
You will be at the start of the denture settling in process which can take up to 6-8 weeks (even for experienced denture wearers). During this period your mouth will be adjusting to your new dentures. You may experience:
- Sore gums-in this case it’s important that you take the denture out to prevent an ulcer from developing and contact the clinic for an appointment for an adjustment.
- To begin the dentures can feel like a big mouth full, in most cases this is due to the dentures providing needed lip/facial support. This feeling will soon fade away the longer you wear them.
- Eating normally can take a little practice. During this time the muscles of your mouth and tongue are re-training themselves to accommodate the change from your previous teeth. To begin with start eating with small, soft pieces of food for practice before tackling an apple or steak. Over the course of the settling in period time you will learn how to control and master your dentures.
- Don’t worry if they are loose to begin with, the fit will get better the longer they bed into your mouth.
- Initially your speech can sometimes be affected, this is short lived. Once the muscles of your mouth and tongue are re-training themselves to accommodate the change from your previous teeth subtle interactions involving your tongue, teeth, lips, cheeks and the roof of your mouth will have you speaking perfectly in no time.
- Saliva is essential for people to wear dentures successfully you may notice that you’re producing more saliva in your mouth. Do not worry about this, as it is normal and it will reduce over time.